Holmdel Periodontics & Implant Dentistry

Dental Implant Treatment that Replaces All Lost Teeth

If you have lost all of the teeth on your upper jaw, lower jaw, or a both, you are not alone. 13% of adults over age 64 are completely without teeth (edentulous).

Dr. Aldredge has your solution.  The All-on-4 dental implant treatment concept can restore a complete jaw of missing teeth with only four dental implants. This treatment was designed specifically for patients without teeth, or patients who will be having their remaining teeth pulled.   

Illustration of All-on-4 denture
The All-on-4 technique utilizes just four implants to support an entire denture.

All-on-4 is exactly what it sounds like: all of the teeth in a full arch of dentures are permanently held in place by 4 dental implants.  Dental implants are artificial tooth roots most commonly made from titanium, a super-strong metal. When implants are placed into the jaw, natural bone grows around and fuses to the titanium. With All-on-4 procedure, the healed implants are strong enough to provide a secure anchor for a full, permanent set of dentures.

Performing the All-on-4, Dr. Aldredge uses computerized imagery to strategically place the four dental implants in healthy, adequate bone to ensure the best integration.  Your full set of new teeth will look and function like your natural teeth.  No gaps, no slipping, and the strength to bite and eat whatever you choose. 

Dr. Aldredge will work as a team with your dentist, providing the foundation for the dentures your dentist will create. Your dentist will create temporary teeth for you to wear while the implants bond with the bone. The is can take weeks to months, depending on your individual case.

As with all treatments, Dr. Aldredge will examine your gums and bone to see if All-on-4 implants are right for you.  

Watch the video below for more information on the All-on-4 dental implant treatment concept.  And call Dr. Aldredge to see if it is the right treatment for you. 

All-on-4 Dental Implants - A Better Alternative to Traditional Dentures

With All-on-4, dentures are permanently attached and don't require bonding agents or removal for cleaning.  There are no gaps where odor-causing food can accumulate. No slipping. And strength that allows you bite and eat whatever you choose. 

The All-on-4 technique helps protect your facial structure. When teeth are lost, the bone that had surrounded them melts away. This progressive condition can compromise the healthy teeth which can shift to fill in empty space. The changing jaw structure causes sunken cheeks, wrinkles, and when all teeth are missing, a collapsed appearance.  When dental implants used in the All-on-4 technique replace missing teeth, the artificial roots encourage bone growth, maintaining the natural shape of the jaw, and maintaining a more youthful appearance. 

The All-on-4® Treatment Concept

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